Before you know it, they’ll be gone
I know it’s a cliche but, my goodness, it’s true!
As my son approaches double figures, I’m becoming more and more aware of that fleeting knot in my stomach as I realise quite how quickly he’s changing. Of course he’s getting taller but he carries himself differently now. It’s easy to miss but it’s definitely there; a different way of running perhaps, more like an adult than a child maybe. When did that happen? What else has changed?
When did he fall asleep on me for the last time?
When did he last hold my hand as we walked up the stairs?
Has he stopped giving me nervous glances when he needs reassurance?
When will he stop calling me Mummy?
When will he no longer want me to tuck him into bed at night?
And the one I daren’t even consider: when will he stop thinking of our house as his home?
We raise our kids to be strong and independent and yet the thought of it is utterly horrifying at the same time.
Before you know it the milestones stop being ‘firsts’ and start becoming ‘lasts’
Those early days and years are so challenging and can feel utterly endless at times, but before you know it the milestones stop being ‘firsts’ - smile; tooth; words; steps; day at school and start becoming lasts - hand hold; requests for cuddles; reassuring glance'; day at home. Yet the lasts are often so much less tangible. When did they stop wearing those lovely toddler clothes? when did they lose that gappy smile? When did they get that big?
Baby teeth are so monumental when they appear…..
…then in the blink of an eye they’ve gone.
A friend of mine recently told me that the pictures of the children when they were younger that she has dotted around the house make her a little emotional now they’ve moved out. I totally get that already.
I look back at pictures we’ve got from the baby days and can’t imagine he was ever so small. I wonder when it was last that easy to go for a walk and entertain him with something as simple as a dandelion. I wonder when I lost the ability to stop him dressing in a football kit every.single.non-school.hour.of.the.week???
The timeless delight of a dandelion
Yes, it’s a cliche but kids do grow up in the blink of an eye and before you know it they’ll be all grown up, so make sure you freeze the moments to look back on and marvel at.
Do we need a chat about getting a family photoshoot booked in?